Circles of hearts do always touch with love. They can have a whole lot of reasons for uniting that doesn't lend itself to joy. Still, we gather at times out of habit.
Our hearts may not be in the process as intended. We might say all the right words and all, but it is just vanity if our heart isn't in it.
Where do we really gather? The reality is where our heart truly wants to be. And God knows it.
Which is why when we gather for any reason than true love and desire we only kid ourselves that it makes any real difference. And the many excuses we manage to contrive to gloss over the truth get real pathetic at times.
How often I've struggled with such challenges in my own life. To truly face what I try to pretend isn't how I really feel.
But then God's spirit gathers in my heart and all the images I deny come to life. I can't escape their reality.
What I see is what truly resides within. It doesn't mean it is always joyful to see. It doesn't mean I relish the experience either.
However, in the gaze reveal there is one word that rings so loudly. God's love as the grace we need and should embrace understand fills my thoughts.
The faces of one's dark hobgoblins are not ones that we need to lie about or fear. They are the elements of our essence that will never be flushed away by morality's bathtub or any efforts on our part.
God doesn't want us to act like we are angels when he has real angels for that purpose. We are sinners and we need forgiveness.
The struggle inside is one to embrace not ignore. It will never go away, but we can truly see God's wisdom if we pretend our jungle of thoughts is nothing, but flowers.
There are flowers naturally, but to pretend the weeds are roses doesn't help. And lying and saying some miracle is going to make them disappear doesn't work either.
And in the light of God's grace, they are seen as weeds. He doesn't remove them completely, for how would we truly appreciate the roses without them.
Instead he grants us promise of eventually being in his eternal garden where the only thing that flowers is the beauty of his love for us. That is a scent that lingers forever for those filled with his spirit.
Pity some will never be there for that gathering.
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