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Saturday, March 10, 2007


Holes possess the places our smiles often hide. We sink into them and are afraid to ask for help escaping.

Somehow we think the hole will go away if we pretend it doesn't exist. Of course ignoring the hole is about as effective as not treating a serious illness. It never works.

That doesn't keep people from trying any method except the right one to deal with the hole. Which is probably the most predictable aspect of human nature.

I wish it wasn't true. But when we end up in some tail spin, so often we can really have a hard time admitting we aren't flying any longer.

We just keep telling ourselves, everything is fine, this is just a temporary condition. Meanwhile, the ground of circumstance races towards us and that big black hole of regret and depression waits to swallow us.

Do we stop in the midst of flapping our broken wings to accept the reality? Sometimes. Others no.

What we normally don't do is think to ask the Lord's help. Oh it might cross our minds, but then we tell ourselves, why should God here this prayer when we didn't seek him constantly?

So we keep flapping our wings, tell splat. We don't have anyway to flap them again, but we still don't want to accept we are in a hole.

Somewhere in the shadowed insanity a voice of reason calls to us. And it has the name of the lord.

Silently, we might finally listen. We might accept that there is no ladder of deliverance coming by a mythical cavalry.

There is only the grace of God. That wondrous gift we seldom open because of all the clamor of religiosity.

But for those who at last truly listen, there is hope between the echoes of a feigned desires. That resides in the only place where one can know what our soul has always sense.

With God there is no time, nor lack of forgiveness. Just a flow of love to light where we are and the joy of rising beyond any hole.

Wings shall sing in the embraced offering from above. It is the moment most precious in a time when we often fail to grasp what is really important. When we see the Lord, we truly discover fact from fiction.


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