It is funny how at times we think if we don't admit to certain feelings nobody will notice. As if our actions and attitude won't say the truth.
One of the real spiritual kills to me in any place of worship is the peril of subdue envy. That is when we are jealous of some other's calling and do little things to interfere. It is petty, it is less than noble, but it happens way too often.
The problem I think is God doesn't call people according to our opinion. He often seems to pick the most unlikely people to serve his purposes. And at times it is easy to feel a bit disappointed if you are a faithful servant at your service to see someone suddenly come out of nowhere to step into the limelight.
So, sadly, the reaction of people is similar to the older brother in the parable about the prodigal son. The older brother's attitude was definitely filled with resentment. He had been faithful, he hadn't run off and squander his inheritance.
Naturally, he didn't appreciate his wayward sibling coming home and being welcomed by their father with a new outfit and big celebration. His reasons were understandable on a human level. After all he had been faithful and always been obedient. So he resented his brother getting what seemed like a reward for his unfaithfulness.
Within the parable, which has been interpreted so many ways, I feel that the attitude of the older brother is an image of what often happens to those who are faithful, but don't end up getting the type of recognition they feel they deserve. It is that unspoken muted envy that ends up keeping the person from embracing God's will in a positive and loving way. Hate brews in the coffers of esteem. It corrupts the senses and in the end nothing is gain that benefits soul or fellowship.
True fellowship and obedience will always put God center of the purpose. We might not be able to feel totally happy when someone stands in the main stage of God's will that doesn't seem to deserve it, but there are blessings to abiding, none for rebellion.
Those willing to embrace the wisdom of God's rule, will always have a desire to see his will served above all us. To want to have the kingdom of God advanced over ego, attention or anything other things we place as priority.
Sometimes the greatest challenge is to truly mute the envy in a way that only God's love shines through. That takes a lot of willingness at times to be prepared to rise above the me syndrome and see what is really important.
God does at times sort through our desires through such times. And when we are faithful there are occasions later that he will grant us some other blessing.
But we miss out on them completely if we fail to obey him in the first place. That is when we have a bigger problem and it is with our heart.
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