There are times when one is in a valley and an event literally leaps on beyond that misery. It is the Lord's doing so often and there is nothing wrong with appreciating how his hand of mercy can take us from some dire extreme to a point of blessing.
What I rejoice about is being able to look back and see how God was in reality guiding us in a certain direction to serve his purpose, but we had no idea at the time. And it is a marvelous testimony to how God truly is all knowing and sees the end from the beginning.
I think back to over five years ago when I was lying in a hospital and nearly died from pneumonia. When I came out of the hospital my life was never the same. Somehow being that close to death has always left me affected in so many ways.
At the time my wife and I were faced with this huge hospital bill and just resigned ourselves to the fact that we would never have a chance to own a home. It was depressing to say the least, but we accepted this valley as one we had to traverse.
How could we know that a few short years later, my step father would unexpectedly pass away and we would end up inheriting his home. It needed major changes to fit our needs, but we were completely stunned by the change of events.
Then last year our son surprised us with the news that he was going to be a father. And now my son and his family live with us as he makes the transition in careers.
God, of course, knew all of this long ago. We didn't have a clue, but now we see the incredible way he shaped events not just for our sake, but also that of son and his family.
Most of all, I know in my heart that none of this happen because it was a reward. It was simply his grace and love along with the fact that at this point in our lives there were reasons beyond our own lives that it need to occur.
So we have gratefully taking this tender leap, still feeling awkward over how the chain of events transpired that granted us this miracle. It isn't a source of boasting, but of praise.
I don't share this to say, "hey, look what God is doing." I merely share it in hopes it might inspired in a small way someone who is struggling and wondering if the valley will ever end.
I can't guarantee you that it will end the way you want or with a tender leap that has a similar event. All I can say is that I have truly learned to accept that God is the Lord of the unexpected. That he can and will change things in his wisdom.
Perhaps in the darkness of a valley of uncertainty we can lift up the willingness to keep trusting. To allow ourselves to keep seeing his light when we are surrounded by nothing, but shadows till the dawn comes we least expect.
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