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Friday, December 08, 2006


Justice is a wonderful concept. I don't regard it as a form of revenge. I see it more as the balancing of social scales. By that I mean it is effort of the system to insure we abide by the laws. Without justice or at least the illusion of justice we would be less prone to obey the laws. My opinion perhaps.

What I have seen and not alone in doing so is how often injustice seems to dominate more than justice. We do live in a sinful world and there are just too many people that don't worry about getting caught. That seems extra relevant if they feel they can make a big profit by bending the law.

What amazes me is when those who claim to follow the Lord feel that breaking the law is acceptable. There is the comment in the scriptures by the Apostle Peter with regards to obeying God instead of man, but that had to do with his preaching the gospel and not stealing.

God of course know the heart. He isn't fooled by our religious mask or false piety that is a form of window dressing some think grants them approval in heaven.

The conscience is in part I think a way God uses to remind us when we are out of step with his word or desires. That doesn't keep us from doing wrong, just reminds us that what we have done is a sin.

Some ignore those stabs of guilt by lying with regarding their actions. Others try to pretend their sin isn't sin. In the end though, it think the soul knows the truth and often we can deny it with our lips, but inside our body will suffer the consequences in one way or another.

All of that is academic in terms of appreciation how life is so often such a pretense. What appears to be just and blessed is just sin masquerading as righteousness and doing a really pathetic job in the process.

The problem is that we still think that wrong should be punished and right rewarded. This translates to some degree into the concept of how we crave a sense of balance in terms of equality. Only it never seems to work that way.

Sadly we all know and have seen those who sin and prosper. Maybe not forever, but long enough for us to be more than a little upset over the injustice.

We could spend hours debating this injustice. Or we could let it be a motivation to be different. The excuse that "everybody does it" will hardly be a good enough excuse for our behavior when standing before the Lord.

For those who understand grace, we don't need that kind of circus. We sin and we aren't proud of that fact. But we rejoice over knowing that God's justice is eternal and true equality will only come in his presence in terms of our lives being given the blessing or curses deserved in this life.


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