Wouldn't it be wonderful if God would somehow make one of his anointed have a special form of illumination so you knew for sure he was blessing their calling? I suppose it might be just as easy if he sent thunderbolts down from heaven to zap all those who are false teachers, but so far he hasn't chose to exercise that option.
So we are left to listen and watch and hopefully sort out through the huge labyrinth of voices and faces to find the ones that truly shine with his light of truth. I wish that was an easy process, but even with reading the scriptures we call all be lured by a tangential voice that has the gift of saying what we want to hear.
At a bible study the other night the issue of this one particular Christian personality came up. For those of us at the study, it was fairly obvious that this individual was not a true minister of the gospel. Mainly because so much of what the person did in no way was scriptural. Basically, we had listen to the individual's teaching and didn't find any truth.
What was amazing was how none of us considered ourselves more gifted or smarter than anyone else. We were not special in our ability to see lies as lies.
Still, despite that reality, we all found it incredible how this person was so successful and rich by preaching their spiritual glitz and glamour. It was full of deceit and dazzle with all its phony miracles, but throngs came to participate anyway.
Thus it affirmed how easy it is for some people to seduce them by appealing to their eyes rather than their ears. They just by what they see without ever testing the spirit. And spiritual blindness, regardless of how well intentioned is never a blessing.
To truly see God's light one must see it with the eyes of the soul. Truth shall shine forth instead of just illumination. It is radiance unadorned of the need to trick or deceive. Instead, it is a light that touches our hearts and we know intuitively is the foundation of what is from the Lord, not just want is intended to appeal to our senses.
I find it interesting that one of the most compelling ways that the Antichrist will succeed in controlling people will be by the assistance of a false prophet who will perform signs and wonders. Today, we see how easy people are swayed by such seduction even with such a host of biblical teaching available.
I don't think that is very surprising in some ways. I just think it is a sad comment about human nature. To be in the midst of what is popular doesn't mean it always has God's approval.
Some times it is difficult to obey God's true light when what is shining so brilliantly comes from another source. And there are also times when God simply chose to share his light from the shadows where we fear to tread. The Lord is not going to be as concerned about revealing himself in a way that appeals to our opinions and prejudices. He is sovereign and some times I think it is good when we don't forget that we must come to his throne sooner or later and not expect him to bow to our desires.
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