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Monday, December 11, 2006


I suppose there is a place for spiritual melodrama. The logic is apparently if it somehow merits attention by enough people then on with the show.

The only thing that bothers me about when Christianity gets reduced down to some kind of cross opera is that it loses some of the truth. When people who claim to believe in God act like something to be despised then God ends up being regarded as less than the Lord. My opinion I must confess.

I don't know, but I just find it said when people elevate their identity with the faith just before they do something utterly immoral or illegal. Is there a logic to this that I have missed.

And what is truly sad is how often such people honestly don't see how this kind of behavior doesn't result in a good witness. So it is hard admittedly to savor such sagging pillars of unrighteousness as truly doing much for the faith. Oh, I didn't say they didn't see themselves as perfect, because so often they do. I just said I didn't personally feel they did much to further the Christian cause.

I guess what I'm mainly rambling about is the silliness that one tries to make others see as truth. We wouldn't regard a soap opera as true. So why would inventing miracles and righteousness that aren't genuine be all that different.

But it happens all the time. There is just too many performers waiting for their chance to sing! It doesn't matter if they make you yawn for they are doing the Lord's work no matter how stupid they make God look.

Does the Lord truly call people to such bizarre behaviors? Well we do know that at times the prophets were required to serve him in some pretty strange ways.

However, they didn't represent everyone the Lord called. It was always done for a specific purpose and to a specific people.

Still there are those today who have decide that doing the same thing whether God said to is a good idea. I'm not sure it results in a lot of good fruit for the kingdom, but it does apparently satisfy some.

As for me, well I do admit I've had my share of moments when I got caught up doing what later I appreciated was silly or dumb. And looking back now I'm grateful that God didn't just whack me up the side of the head in the process.

At least with time one can hopefully gain some vision into this type of behavior and celebrate how God is full of grace to grant us mercy in our misplaced zeal. Some will never achieve that appreciation, but oh how precious is the gift of humility that truly brings a maturity helping us see the Lord so much better. Sometimes blessing are something that to others seem like curses.


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