Distance is the chord of pulse beating in the mind. It is not the measure of the eyes, nor theory, but what resides in the voice we listen to without our ears.
Somewhere passed the silhouettes of sparkling forged by our lusts there dwells a truth from, which we hide. It is the light cast by our internal witness that is guiding by out lord, if we truly accept that guiding.
To grasp the touch of far and beyond is to remember and celebrate that illusion is not fact. That any haunting etches of approval dug into our mind that we envy are not truth necessarily.
In this life, we are the product of relationships. So often there is an element to our nature that either allows us to play the game of nods and supplication or be banished to some outer circle of bland and brutal.
But none of that is the creature of God's invention. It is the hodgepodge tones and visions we invent by a case of convenience instead of fact.
To dwell too much in the circle of presumed is to give oneself over to the enslavement of opinion rather than substances. Lateral comparisons do produce their own masks of meaning.
Some we wear with more ease than other. Then there are the outer skirmish zones where life can turn harsh and brutal at times.
But in that far and beyond we too can find peace at times. For there is nothing truly more encompassing and enduring than the hand of our Lord.
Remembering it when we are standing outside the pane of social glass can be difficult. We all crave the dare to be. The opportunity to clothe ourselves in the fantasy rather than realty.
Far and beyond? God is there. Heaven is there. And someday we shall join him in due season.
Whether we do so as a citizen and condemned in part is a product of what did we really trust to in this life. Was it the baubles we adore or the mementoes we labored to gleam.
Harsh it can be to find them all counterfeit reality. However, our eyes may have trouble adjusting by our own strength.
And if it is God's eyes with, which we chose to see, the vision can be even more difficult. Yet when it comes, it grants us the pure joy of seeing so much farther than we could ever imagine with our eyes focused on what we want and think is some little bit of heaven instead of just a tinsel of pride.
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