I'm sure the most popular place this phrase is known is from the movie "The Wizard of Oz." Somewhere over the rainbow can represent a lot of things, but for me I think it in part is a symbol for whatever is our idea of paradise.
Of course that is our customized version of Heaven and however we think it ought to exist. It might be nice if reality worked that way and when you died you went over the rainbow to the place of your choosing.
However, I don't think the Lord would take any suggestions from us on what over the rainbow ought to be like. Plus it would obviously get rather confusing and complicated if everyone, regardless of why kind of life they lived had a chance to spend eternity by their preference.
I remember being in this Sunday School class once when the conversation turned to the question of whether or not there was a chance to play sports in Heaven. I personally didn't even see it as an issue myself. The discussion, did in my mind, relegate heaven into being again, whatever I wanted it to be, rather than the presence of the Lord God Almighty.
Which to me only illustrates that if those who follow Christ have such notions about eternity despite reading the scriptures, then why would somebody totally unfamiliar with the Bible be expected to think in other terms? So the fairy tales have spread and since Heaven remain to me a real place, but one in this life that is subject to speculation it will always be that over the rainbow according to a given person's view.
I think the only thing can honestly know about over the rainbow is that it is forever. Heaven is described as being a city 1500 hundred miles hide, wide and thick. There are glimpses given by the Apostle John in the book of Revelations, but opinions vary on whether John is talking literally or symbolically in what he says.
Beyond that though, I think for the followers of Christ we know that Heaven is where God is on his throne and whatever we do will be by his grace and love. To me, I'm more than content to accept that he will in his wisdom provide for us in a way that serves his purposes, but also leaves us filling fulfilled.
Beyond that I do marvel at times by the revelations some psychics clam they have about eternity. Some of them have been interesting to say the least.
But for me, they are not the truth. Such people are entitled to their opinions. However, what I do know is that the real truth will be known when one is in God's presence.
That is when over the rainbow will not be just part of a song, but eternity. I would rather trust to God's version than anyone else. Even if that includes accepting that his will may not conform to my opinions. Somehow I think God's version of heaven will be far better than mine would be anyway.
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