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Saturday, October 28, 2006


I imagine most people have had a daydream where we had a magic wand that could solve all our problems. In our fantasies, of course, life can be perfect. Reality never has that potential.

Some have felt that eternity is a place of perfection. I like to believe that myself. One thing that I do wonder about is how it is possible for human beings to be so flawed and sinful in this life and immediately be changed to perfect in heaven?

I don't discount God's power to do the impossible, but despite the appeal of this idea, I often have felt that our transition from flawed to perfect isn't necessarily immediate. The scriptures don't really, in my opinion, specify the process God uses to alter our essence in eternity.

Neither is it totally clear on what part of our being is part of the soul. Although we know it has to include our minds and memories otherwise we couldn't stand before accountable for our lives. Nor would God have a reason to wipe away every tear if we didn't have the ability to remember.

Beyond those aspects we do know we have some presence that is called a body. It doesn't mean we look exactly as we do now, but that we are recognizable.

We do know that when Jesus appeared after the Resurrection he did look similar to the way he looked before his death. But was that his completely glorified eternal form? I'm not sure we can say till we stand before him.

In the meantime, whenever I sit and imagine the joys of actually owning a magic wand my mind eventually drifts to the image of the Lord. That is in the sense of knowing in his sovereignty he provides me what is in my best interest.

That doesn't mean it always appear a blessing at the times when there is heartache. But there are the other times when I'm totally in awe of his mercy and rejoice over those little miracles that touch so incredibly.

Then too, I remember how with my imagination it would definitely not be a good thing if I had a magic wand. Some of the things my thoughts drift too would hardly grace the world in a good way.

So I try to be content within the Lord's touch. Being my best to be grateful for what he sends my way.

And at times to sit and reflect on how much more glorious life will be in his presence. For how could any wand, magic or otherwise, compete with the love and grace the Lord grants us. In heaven it will be even more so and for that there is more real magic than any of the little wishes we could enjoy at the moment. May God's face smile upon us with the quiet knowing of how he will always be more of a blessing to us than anything offered by the hand of man.


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