Seeing the bridges of commonality in things is not always difficult, but at the same time they are easy to miss. Keeping in mind that God is the ultimate link in such situations is even more challenging.
It is so easy in the daily routine where so much uncertainty exists to be able to see how the Lord is really sovereign over life. He is the creator and true owner of everything.
But even if we follow Christ with all our hearts, which I honestly think none of us is able to do as genuinely as we would like, it doesn't mean life will be full of only blessing with some trials. The one challenge is to truly see God in the here and the there.
He is even in the midst of his enemies since the Lord is omnipresent. Which is a fact that is easy to forget at time when dealing with those totally corrupted by evil and devote to some selfish plan.
There are some many times in my own life I know I have fallen victim to trying and base my actions on my own instincts and plans. I have to stop in the middle of such moments and try to ask the basic question, what is God's will in the situation?
Do I always learn the right answer. I wish that was the case. But the truth is I have been totally wrong in way too many cases.
Still, that doesn't mean I give up. For there are so many occasions when I do come to se the path God intended and that is worth the search.
I think the most difficult challenge in when the experience one is going through lasts for a long period of time. It is so easy when it a valley to lose sight of the horizon.
In such cases often God will grant me some insight or image to inspire and remind that regardless of what I see, he will be there at that horizon having already prepared it for me. He is in the valley too, but there are so many incidents where his presence is not as visible as we like because he is allowing us to go through some test.
Upon the day, we search the skies for promises we can embrace with the same fascination as one would a cloud. But just like clouds, the promises are guiding by the wind. In this case it is the holy spirit. And the promises will drift always in the direction that God intends.
Of course, just like the clouds, there are times when what we seen in the promises is different from what somebody else sees. On some occasions I think that is intentional because God message is personal. He doesn't want us to interpret it by somebody else's thinking, but our own.
Hopefully, along the way we find more reason to trust him. To be able to recognize the here and there as his leading would intend.
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