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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


This last year I have had to do this on so many occasions. I don't think I've dealt with more liars in my life as I have since having to cope with all the people we deal with in the building of our home. I was beginning to wonder if there was one honest person even left in the world.

And in those darker moments when some given lie would end up have consequences to my own life, I would do my best to set aside my anger and remember tomorrow. Basically for me that is when I would remind myself that the Lord is still the Lord and despite the countless betrayals that were battles to a point of futility, his will would be done.

In this case, I knew it was his will that we possess this land. There were numerous affirmations of this along the way. But none of that kept us from experience a host of people who made greed their priority.

I have to confess there were plenty of times when it did get very depressing. I had to ask myself how come if this is God's will he does stop their jerks from being so sinful and being stumbling blocks to our survival.

It was then, after enough prayer and wondering, I think God gave me some light of understanding. For the Lord has the power to fulfill his will. So making sure we would survive was for him the easy part. However, by letting us face obstacles and nearly lose the home he tested our faith.

At the same time, he also tested the hearts of so many. And I can say I'm grateful that through it all he did make sure we were still provided for. That was a comfort when coping with the injustice of it all and avoiding the temptation to resort to the kind of revenge that was other that lawful or moral.

Admittedly, when following the path of what was legal and appropriate we have appreciate sadly just how inept the system can be. We were witnesses to the ways that the law was not enforced and those who broke it didn't get punished.

This is part of the reality of this life. Too often because of sin and the fact that Satan does work is vile nature to impend and corrupt justice gets lost in the process.

Not for eternity of course. Just for the time on this earth. That is the other part of remembering tomorrow.

It might not always comfort, but I do know God truly does see all. And no sin that is unforgiven because of the blood of the lamb will go unpunished in eternity.

As for me, well I hardly regard myself as perfect or without. I just rejoice though that I would rather trust to God for my provision that try to gain through some evil and greedy act.


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