There are a great many different types of vision. We do see with our eyes, providing we are not blind. But then there are to me the eyes of the heart and the eyes of the soul.
I regard the eyes of the heart are those which see the difference between right and wrong. It is amazing how many times those pair of eyes get incredible blurry with some people. Looking at a sin and seeing righteousness is what I call have truly blurred vision. Too many people are prone to accept Satan's glasses to help with that type of sight.
As for the eyes of the soul, I think those are the eyes with which we gaze at the eternal. We see the spiritual realm and how it relates to this life. Those are the glasses only God's spirit can provide in terms of true sight. One can find plenty of glasses that will fit from other sources, but they won't give one true vision. Which can be difficult to appreciate if you have never seen with the lord's spectacles.
What are the rewards of sight other than regular vision? With the sight of the heart, it is to me honest. That is in the sense of seeing what it truly wrong and truly right. I believe we do have an internal witness that knows right from wrong. We can lie to ourselves, but inside we know the facts. And suppressed guilt will take its toll in life.
Among other things I think it does decay one's passion for life. It is hard to enjoy what is real when you are dying inside from spending too much time pretending sin isn't really sin. And I've seen the sadness and burning in the regular eyes from that kind of denial inspired blindfold.
As for the rewards of sight involving the soul, I think it always leads one to see God more clearly and a more intimate relationship with the Lord. It is not abusive or self-absorbed. It is to be accepting of his Lordship in obedience. When one's sight is correct, pride simply evaporates from seeing something more important yourself as the meaning of life and being.
Some people achieve finding a form of spiritual contact. That is where you cover the eyes with something that you think is truly spiritual, but you never truly seek the Lord in the process. You are just content to be dazzled by what is seen regardless of how true it really is.
Beyond the orbs of now are the pupils facing heaven. We oft let them dilate for the sake of seeing what we want to see instead of seeing by God's light.
A reward that is based on one's definition instead of genuinely from the Lord's hand will not nourish as effectively as claimed. But it is what some people are content to accept.
Sitting in the shadows of my understanding, I long for the better vision that lets me gaze pass my own world. I am grateful that the Lord in his mercy grants me the type of rewards, which give life instead of death. It warms in a way you can't always boast about, but it does give a smile some will never understand.
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