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Monday, October 23, 2006


Today was definitely not my most favorite day. It was a day of endless chores and most of it spent doing things that needed to be done for my family. It also meant dealing with people who were other than concerned about doing what they had promised. Satisfied was not a word that applied to the day.

On an emotional level part of me wanted to simply lie down and be run over by a truck. Not exactly an uplifting thought, but there were moments that it truly did cross my mind.

I guess the most abiding thing that rolls through my brain in such situations is the awareness of how all of this is not for personal gain. I did it out of obedience to the faithfulness the lord had charged me in terms of my family.

Like everyone it is easy on a human level to reach a point of doing to ask the obvious, what is in it for me? And even though it is a natural question to ask, what if the real answer is nothing.

The question is can we cope with that reality in our lives? Can we truly be content to have God the only witness to our obedience without fanfare or accolade?

I've known plenty of people who couldn't answer that question with other than no. But the truth is they really don't admit to that motive. Instead they plan for ways to get attention for their actions. Maybe some comment or other method, but you can be sure they will figure a way somehow to make sure everyone they know is aware of just how great a job of faithfulness they have done.

Ironically, in so doing they have proven what is the core of their hearts and it isn't in reality about faithfulness and obedience. Only I doubt they will admit to such, especially to themselves.

Just as their are injustices in this life that go unpunished the reverse is also true. There are rewards that are not receive either.

I'm sure plenty of people will want an answer to the why of inequity. I do believe in the Lord's eternal presence we shall have the answer and it will be both wise and fair.

Until then we must trudge the path unclear. That will never be an easy task and no matter how much faith we have, the echoes of why will always haunt.

No matter how much I know this myself, I still have to battle the times of depression that sweep over my soul from long hours of doing what I know I'm suppose to do without any personal gain. God had never dealt with that valley by suddenly putting me in the limelight.

What he has done is bring some form of comfort and the soothing sense that it will be enough for this season. It might not seem like a good enough answer to a prayer, but it has brought peace on more than one occasion.


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