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Friday, July 10, 2009


 I saw a comment the other day from this person who said who we were in the middle of Armageddon.  This is a person that also thinks you have to keep the law to go to heaven.


It never ceases to amaze me the things some people belief.  I might you know understand if say they were just kidding.


But they are always very serious. And I really struggle in my mind trying to grasp how anyone can really read the bible and come away with some opinions.


Naturally prophecy is very complicated. There are so many interpretations and views on end time events.


Some get so darn absurd about it.  Really I’m just left scratching my head and feeling totally dumbfounded by such teachings.


Now when they go overboard and get totally out of control you really get concerned. Because those times can hurt others.


And what truly fascinates me is when they turn out to be wrong they often still have a following.  I’m sorry, but I you prove yourself wrong and keep on prophesizing I won’t keep listening.


Back in the 80’s when Israel invaded Lebanon there were all kinds of teacher claiming it would result in the start of the tribulation, which didn’t happen. Then there were those who claimed the rapture was going to come in 1988.


I’ve been listening to those claim the Lord was coming soon for nearly 30 years. All I can say it is sure is a long form of soon.


Then there are those who say every new leader is the Antichrist.  Again even when they are wrong, they just keep teaching.


I don’t know when the tribulation will take place.  Will it be in our life times?  I honestly can’t say.


All I know is that I refuse to let someone infect me with their extremist views and then change my life to fit their crazy thoughts.  I learn to avoid that problem.


The Lord will come in due season on His calendar.  Until He does we are called to be faithful.


That means keep our responsibilities and using each day to serve Him as His spirit leads.  Doing otherwise always ends up causing problems.


I will love the Lord and praise Him. I will give thanks for every day.  But  I won’t quit my job and go stand on some hill to wait for the rapture just because somebody had a word from the Lord after every other one they had was wrong.


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