The Lord's Cloak
He lowers it from heaven
over our hearts and sin stained lives,
not asking us to explain our needs,
merely trusting that His fabric
will cover what scars our souls.
Never requires perfection
for His bountiful gift,
doesn’t demand that we be worthy
for Him to clothe our soiled selves.
But we oft treat it as a reward
when we fail to appreciate its meaning,
how His love has no restrictions
nor blesses only those
who think they are deserving.
It is the silent silk
of His endless longsuffering
that reaches down to drape
those who truly come to learn
His eyes see everything we do,
yet care about us just the same.
We can never earn its fabric
no matter how we try,
just accept it with joy
because we take Him at His word,
instead of trying to work
in all our flawed ways
to assume we can earn
what He offers freely.
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