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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: The Sleeves Of Sunset

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Sleeves Of Sunset

On the path between searching and awakening

there comes the moment of amazement

when embracing a scenic scarf’s silky splendor

held by the senses as an entrancing gaze,

before it slowly slips away

within twilight’s fading cerulean sky.

Its piney incense lures

as serenity’s enticing surrender

during the trek from stress to stillness,

softly dressing the soul

in the sleeves of sunset,

being a fabric that heals the scars

felt during the day’s stumbling.


Tranquility beckons in its special charms

from the lake’s bewitching blue,

beguiling in a baptism for the heart,

soothing and submersing the spirit

beneath its mirror of a soft azure face.


Putting on that weave of bliss

woven by the stunning visual spell,

while willingly getting lost in the refuge from chaos,

discovering such overwhelming deep inner calm,

which radiates from the landscape’s bliss

after wandering the wildernesses of life

unto this haven of a mesmerizing mural

where the solitude serenades its melody

by a mystical caress.


Finding yourself

such a complete part the majesty,

celebrating one’s essence as a new song

totally clothed in that rustic raiment’s satin touch.


Inhaling the vibrant flow in euphoria’s breeze,

exhaling the past as an aroma to forget,

happy in the magical unity

arising between self and nature.


And discovering the enchanted fibers

of Mother Earth’s wardrobe,

which makes the approaching night

a garment of such  peace.



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