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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Colorful balloons and decorated cakes,
laughter dances upon the heart,
joy bounces through the mind,
what creeps under the bed so quickly disappears,
the mirror’s voice silenced by the party’s music.

It all turns macabre in a heartbeat,
one flash of agonizing dread
causes the balloons to change into charcoals,
cakes mutate into hideous lumps,
howls replace laughter
and party deteriorates into a wake attended by cadavers.

Suddenly drawn back to reality,
alone and trapped in melancholy’s tomb,
one exit of fantasy indulged to preserve sanity
before the screams of solitude
make the nights echo with needs
to find some mercy from all the darkness and pain.

Sitting on those steps so cold and hard,
leading to the halls of happiness with locked doors
where celebrations are held
without receiving a single invitation.

Tears fall upon trembling hands shaking from the fear
this moment killing in loneliness will be a curse forever.

Waiting and hoping some miracle occurs
where favor brings the opportunity
for joining the celebration others call life.

Holding that RSVP in the heart,
should once someone offer
a chance to be more than forgotten
when the list is made.

Wind blows across the face
remembering when it refreshed
rather than chilled with sorrow’s wintry blow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

really good poem


7:26 AM  

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