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Sunday, May 10, 2009


I lived in a forest
always so peaceful and serene,
the shade did get cold,
but the quiet felt so calming.

Beyond the pillars
there could be seen
a variety of landscapes
plants and flowers so exquisite,
even a waterfall cascading into a lake.

More than once
how I thought of trying to visit
all my eyes could view,
yet never was able to stroll that far
ever tripping on some roots.

So I simply accepted my spot
was good enough and tranquil
though inside there were those moments
couldn’t stop being curious.

One day the wind blow a postcard my way,
picking it up I saw strange objects upon the picture
at the bottom the word called them, trees,
they were nothing like my woods.

Suddenly I realized what I thought were limbs
had been in fact bars,
which had kept me prisoner
from the sun and all the splendor
dwelling outside my confinement.

Slowly walking out to the light
the warmth felt so good
and in the air
there was a scent
of freedom.


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