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Friday, May 08, 2009


There are different ideas I imagine on the whole issue of the golden rule. Oh there is the standard approach.

Where it is do unto as you would wish them to do unto you. It is a good rule. Just not necessarily what happens.

Oh there are lots of reasons. I think trust has a lot to do with it. I mean it is hard to do this when others can’t be trusted to do the same.

More like if we could see someone else do it first then we would also try. But who starts first is always a problem.

I really am not sure there is a perfect solution to such things. I wish there was. But it does seem that often generosity and kindness get abused.

It is refreshing when it isn’t that way. Just not the way it takes place at times. Which is truly sad.

Perhaps it is just the sadness of how many scars we so often bear. So many times of trying without even a single thank you.

Why praise is not supposed to be our motive, it is nice when someone truly does express appreciation. Just isn’t common.

Maybe if we all were willing to just set aside our own pride. To do things as the Holy Spirit willed.

This doesn’t always come easy. For there are so many times when something interferes. And it never gets any better.

This is when we have to pause in our struggle and truly try to put the Lord first. It can be a challenge.

So if we can manage in so small way to set aside our egos then we can actually listen. To do as He wills.

Which may mean doing things just for the sake of doing them. No strings or expectations, just a willingness to do.

I have seen the rare person with this capacity. How often they never even tell anyone what they did.

Just keep doing because the Lord leads them. And it isn’t even about their needs or how they will be treated.

Just expressing the Lord’s love in a special and obedient way.


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