I think so often behavior is not a part of life we really want to change. It would be nice with bad habits to alter them, but most of the time they don’t.
Still we do take time to give reasons why they are there. A way of making ourselves feel better about the problems.
I recently knew this one person who had a life long struggle with a certain type of behavior. And never did accept the cause of this behavior.
So when health problems resulted there was not admitting that the cause was self induced. Just a self pity need for attention.
Sadly this is a person who is not a believer. And therefore doesn’t understand the meaning or freedom of grace.
So while the true believer doesn’t mind admitting sin drives so much of what we do, others invent excuses.
They will never find peace from such an approach. Never be able to come to the truth. Just continue to lie to themselves.
So in the process they will always end up lost to the reality of their lives. Just plodding along in denial.
It will always be sad to me who such make choices to live in stagnation. To never truly growth in the truth.
This doesn’t mean change, just able to accept the truth. And with that comes understanding.
To the one who knows the joy of such freedom their comes the Holy Spirit’s light. You learn what can and can not be changed.
You learn you don’t have get upset at what you must see as part of being human. And it also can bring its own joy.
Some will end never knowing this form of happiness. They will just let the resentments build.
Regrets will be suppressed. They will be viewed as not existing. It will never bring the simple pleasure of enjoying what you have.
How quickly the heart can learn to be other than satisfied when one suppressed such resentments. Only with the Lord does this change.
But that is one behavior we must choose.
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