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Thursday, May 07, 2009


One moment of pure and perfect illumination,
suddenly the conscious is inexplicably immersed with all knowledge,
every question answered in an exquisitely stunning touch.

Senses exploded with an intensely euphoric clarity,
able to perceive colors never imagined,
hear sounds not known on earth,
detect scents beyond experience
and taste flavors so familiar
even though they weren’t swallowed in life.

Peace covers the spirit as a robe,
waves of calm and serenity flow constantly,
inner essence flows with a rapturous touch of love.

Mind dialogues by thought alone
while drifting like a cloud
along streets of translucent golden shades,
buildings having walls to match the streets
with interiors adorned by the energy of creativity,
generated by shear will.

There is no awareness of aging,
as one explores the avenues with instinct’s flared
providing a guide within
to know intuitively every feature and facet evident.

Immortal creatures of light
commune with every arrival,
immediately able to see what they have viewed,
all the universe’s secrets and wisdom
become a mental tapestry so vivid and powerful.

Feelings to the core are stripped of any chaos,
before floating to that silver pillar of fire,
igniting forever as a constant feast of expression
when the depths of one’s potential
at last are given true freedom to thrive.


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