I think the nature of life makes us crave security and permanence. We can’t find it that easy so we value it when we do find it.
But the problem to me is in the area of being realistic. I don’t know how many times I have found myself in the position of end the story on something.
To take the time to imagine the future according to my desires. Which is never something that works out.
Because dipping reality into fantasy’s well seldom changes the facts. Might feel better, but doesn’t change things.
Now the problem is that we will still want the dream. So it is easy to want it so bad we make the truth our own possession.
Meaning we try to shape it our way. Never truly works, but we sure do love it when we can do it.
However life doesn’t ever obey our hearts. But you can be sure some will try to make it that way.
I know I’m prone to worrying. Part of my insecurities. Just really does grate on me at times.
Perhaps it is the disappointments or other experiences, but I know how often it will dig at me. And that is not a good feeling.
Even though the scriptures tell us to not worry, I still do. And I’m sure others do also. Hard to overcome those feelings.
I am grateful that God is merciful and does continue to watch over us despite that weakness. It can be the joy to see it happen.
How do we find any piece in the process? How can we manage to cope despite the lack o security.
There is no easy answer. Only that it is part of faith. And that is what we have to hold onto the most.
Which is by trust to always cherish the security beyond this life. It doesn’t pay the bills, but reminds they are not forever.
And to that end we can rejoice. Even in our trembling. For it is the pearl we can wear any storm.
Providing it comes from the Lord.
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