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Monday, September 29, 2008


This seems to be a popular word today. The ability to mark something so you can add it to some collection.

And it can apply to so many things in life, but not sure that always means it results in something good. Just another form of what we decide it wealth.

That seems to be apart of human nature. We love to place our identity on things. We like to have that pride of ownership.

Even if it really isn't true. There is nothing we can ever claim to own forever. Sooner or later we will die and it will pass on as lease to another person.

Lease is an interesting concept I think. The idea that we only have rights of use, but never really own something.

We are free to use it as we desire, but never actually claim it is ours eternally. You just can't get people to see it that way.

Seems like so many of us get snared by the need to place our fingerprints are left on stuff. Doesn't matter what it is, we love saying it belongs to me.

With most things I'm nor sure it really matters that much. But when it comes to the Lord and His word it is a different issue.

The other day I had dealings with this person who had decided that a given interpretation of a single verse was the foundation of truth for all of God's word. There was a lot of hate and bias in that person's view.

Not a whole lot of truth or concern for the complete reveal word, but just that this one verse was a means to justify hate. Hardly all that inspiring to me.

Well, when such views are preserved just for personal opinion that is one thing. But when it is used as hammer to beat others it is not a good thing.

What my question was is where was there any love in the person's desires? I didn't see any.

And there was no interest in any form of encouragement or inspiring. Just harm others and making them feel inadequate.

I didn't see the Lord in any of that at all. Regardless of how much the person quoted the bible.

Without love or a need to help others it hardly seemed to be truly reaching out to bless and really be a joy as would have been God's will.


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