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Sunday, September 28, 2008


I was involved in this church once that loved to plan everything. There was no detail in their function from ordering supplies to even outreach and church growth, which didn't end up being planned.

Oh they say they had faith. But somehow it sort of got lost in committee. Really was so very sad.

Did they ever get it? Nope. They just kept on holding more meetings. Hardly something I figured was helpful.

It really did get absurd. Limiting the hand of God to their own minutes from meetings. Never once seeing the idea that God wasn't restricted by their choices.

Still, they went right on doing the same thing. So proud of the funds they had in their building fund.

The fact that they church never grew made the point of having a building fund rather mute. So hard to get excited when you have resources, but no one is there in need of the building.

So the whole process just plugged along. It didn't change and it time the church really became nothing more than a shell.

Those few who went felt so happy in their bounty. So devoid of any sense of stress because they never risked a thing.

However, meanwhile, the Holy Spirit just found other places where those dwelt that did listen. And naturally those places always had a shortage of funds.

You just didn't notice them worried as much about it. They praised the Lord for His blessings.

Such an irony issues in the process. A regrettable detour from what is important because of the priority to one's own values.

And in the end, the Lord's work suffers. Oh it is viewed as a place where some think they are so faithful to the Lord.

It just doesn't end up being the truth. And that is the tragedy. Which never is heal, nor improved in the process.

So we move along in our idea of bounty. To do what is right in our own eyes. And maybe a few listen to the Lord in the process.

If not too busy counting the money in one's wallet.


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