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Friday, September 05, 2008


It is Sunday night. I am at work and doing the same thing I have done for years on Sunday nights.

The eve is long and most of it is spent alone. Not in the limelight or with lots of variety. It is predictable and most of the time uneventful.

Yet it is also the vehicle that provides my income and the time alone is there for giving me the added occasion to create. Does any of that lead to glory, fame or riches?

Up to now, no. Tomorrow, I have no idea. I just know that I have to endure because it is the path the Lord set before me.

There are times it is less full of joy than others. Occasions when it other than fill with the luster of expectation.

Tonight is one of those situations. So I sit and write, watch a DVD and try to keep the pace as I know is necessary.

And in the process there is a lingering of satisfaction's flame. The light of God's spirit that shines into my night and reminds me of what is important.

Faith is the path of salvation, but faithfulness truly is the steps that must be followed to keep along the trail. And sometimes it doesn't get the same attention.

One can relish in those moments when a trail is less that exciting, but we are comforted in our quietness. For while the times of pure test may be the evidence of faith, the times of doing things because we are suppose to are important too.

To be a flash of faith in one incident, but then never take a moment of faithfulness afterwards. This is never a blessing.

At least in terms of being truly beneficial. It is so easy to have a moment of inspiration and never endure.

Without the daily pilgrimage the gold of one incident fades and evaporates. How sad it is to see the faces that only last for a day.

Whatever victory the moment can claim by an act of faith can quickly disappear if no faithfulness follows. Yet, faith is require too.

Just doing something without any belief is not of value either. That would really not be the same either.

It is a delicate balance we must strike in our walk. And how hard it can be to follow, yet so easy with the Lord's help.


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