The candle burns the day exhausted, night swallows your star. We stand in confusion, where did it go?
Did the Lord stop shining on our life? Being rejected by the world does sting. It never feels good.
But it is nothing compared to the feel if one thinks God has turned His face against you. There is no worst darkness for a believer that to lose the hope of eternity.
It can gut you of any strength or passion. To look upon the world from the view of heaven is to feel buffered by the present.
And it is at times when we think we done something so totally disappointing to the Lord that we have no chance of forgiveness. This is what truly is a time when we have to be able to remember the truth.
Satan will beat a person to death with such details if given a chance. One little crack in our spiritual armor and he will try to drive a major wedge.
I know right now I am struggling with a situation that has me in a deep sense of sadness. And that is not a time of joy.
First challenge it so be honest. Don't pretend the feelings don't exist. That only makes things worse.
Then the important part is to take it to the Lord. Let His spirit minister to the anxiety. This brings His light.
Sometimes understanding gives peace. And then to the Lord will often lead a person to a place where encouragement can be found.
So one just has to first let the Lord stop the fire. Then came come the time of healing. Or the time of seeing the truth.
Does it mean this will never happen again? No. The passages often follow this journey more that once.
And each journey means more chance to see the light of what we discover about ourselves. A chance to grow in our inner light.
But that is something that only occurs in time. And this means one can't expect instant solutions.
I sure wish that was the option. But it never is. So instead we must be willing to wait on the Lord's timing. I didn't say it will make me happy. Just that we know it is part of the journey.
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