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Sunday, September 07, 2008


There are all kinds of strength. And outward form of iron will impress, but it doesn't mean it is on the inside.

Feelings are often such an easy form of frailty. A strong and valiant warrior can be crippled by them in some cases.

Perception often deludes the mind with the value of facades. We see what we want to see.

Which is never the same as what brews inside. Oh the mouth may try to hide the flaws. How the words spew forth with fake metal.

Confidence is a good thing. But false confidence never improves a thing. I only gets added to the problem later.

Time proves what is truly durable. It will validate if what is underneath is truly strong or weak.

The person of faith does not need to lie about the frail side of life. For God will empower as He desires.

And thus the iron inside is never the issue. We don't have to be filled with perfection to please Him.

And He can change anyone in a heartbeat. Normally, He doesn't work that fast though. However He can.

What is important is not to dwell on the flaws. To not allow them to become an excuse. How often we let that happen.

Instead we need to embrace them. To live them to the Lord for His help. Never stop accepting our need for such help.

For in that, through the absence of pride and arrogance. He can do so much more. We keep ourselves balanced in the process.

I always enjoy how often God is able to do the impossible with people. How often the Lord will single out some unlikely candidate to serve His purposes.

And those filled with pride will often be offended by such choice. It will aggravate and produce envy.

Sadly when this happens in churches it leads to wounding. Which is always other than His will.

Sad it is when miracles die out of hate.


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