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Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Doors can be a symbol of many things. To me one of those would be the heart. A barrier to prevent those who might threaten from causing any danger.

It can also be a entry to where the most wonderful secrets are kept. Those little gifts we are afraid to show anyone.

Some are ones that God sees and sends us ways to be aware of them ourselves. For there are times when we keep the door closed and can't penetrate the darkness because of doubt or other issues.

God's spirit does gives us ways to be touched so we have reason to open the door. But it doesn't mean we always are willing.

Sometimes it is just easier to pretend it is locked. And then we can have a good reason to not face what lies behind the door.

Keeping the door shut prevents the monsters from escaping, but it also denies one the chance to see the blessings too. So we never end up with the joy, which counters the sadness.

In the tension of the moments each decision not made, we feel a small cringe from our failed courage. And with it comes such wonderful excuses

But then it is part of the nature we endure in the ways we deal with the doors. And if we do it the Lord's way it will be a joy.

Not always at first. For it may pain us to have to have to look and see some gift that is lying unused.

That might upset us to have to know how we overlooked it or even never accepted it was there. But then that doesn't mean we have to stay upset.

We can appreciate that it didn't stay that way. That at least eventually we discovered it. Which is better than to find out in eternity.

Like so many I have at times kept my doors closed. And that means I also still do so at times.

It isn't a fact I am proud of. For there are times when human nature dominates. And when it does, we fail to see clearly.

But it is more when we have a key and refuse to use it that we have the biggest problem.
Because we just are not even willing to look at all. Until eternity of course, when we all will see what we didn't want to see in this life. Hopefully the gaze will be a time of rejoicing.


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