I've heard it said that there is joy in sin for a season. Meaning that while some might claim sin has no pleasure, the truth is that it will be very appealing at times.
Just doesn't mean it will last. Nor does it mean we will reach a point of decide it doesn't feel good either.
In fact we can become totally addicted to such desires to the point that it overrides our thinking. All we want is that next fix or rush of joy.
It truly does become an obsession at times. And that is never something that leads to permanent changes, merely side roads into oblivion.
There will always be sins in life. We can't avoid them. But we don't have to go looking to hitchhike on a bus headed to doom either.
I'm always fascinated by those who feel so much in control of their lives. They never do anything wrong.
Not that they will admit to it you understand. They just feel very comfortable seeing the world dressed in perfection they created.
It is all less than a dream or salvation. But they will never embrace the truth. So we mosey along that path of delusion, happy and content that it tastes so good.
Then comes the day when it kills. Well it cripples to some degree. Oh the grief we endure in such situations.
Never really facing what is in the mirror, just happy to make it seem like it is a tragedy. And the whole time we are the ones holding the smoking gun.
So we are happy to keep hang in with our nest of wrongs and think there is no problem. Until the consequences take place.
Nobody really loves that option. We love the pleasure, but hate when it carries some kind of pain.
Such is human nature. And if one is a Christian God will often open our eyes to the reality of what we have done wrong.
At least for the sake of making us aware of our need for salvation. There is no one though who enjoys facing that reality.
It can be very depressing. But it is necessary for the sake of our knowing the truth. As long as we don't bring ourselves to some juncture of thinking life is without the need for improvement and we are never perfect.
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