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Saturday, November 10, 2007


I personally am not a big fan of this type of answer. One where the truth can go swing either for good or bad.

And naturally that only produces a lot of stress. Which wouldn't be so bad if life didn't have so many detours.

They just drive us nuts with their uncertainty. That can truly make life other than pleasant.

But one can not avoid these circumstances. And it doesn't how much you trust to God, you will not be spared the moments that lead to groans.

You can pretend to make sense of them. But two edged sword events are part of reality. Not the kind we want to enjoy, just ones we can't ignore.

So our choice is how we cope. And that can be such a trauma at times. I guess that is what at times makes me totally annoyed dealing with certain types of experts.

I will ask a question that I expect to have a yes or no answer. Instead I get one that is vague.

It makes me want to scream, "get to the point!" Only it never improves the situation. I"m looking for facts and they want to give me theory.

However, in reality there are times when that is not a choice. You have to accept the fact, however annoying it is that some aspects of life never will make sense.

I didn't say I like it, just know it is what I have accepted. And that moves me to the realm of accepting there are times when life just requires less thought and more intuition.

Which for me translates into accepting there are occasions when we can solve problems by our own strength. That isn't perhaps the answer we want. But it is the honest one.

And for that I have tried to accept it as a good thing. For once I get past that issue of trying to analyze each detail to death, I accept how only God can know some answers.

It doesn't mean I cherish such moments. But it does make me appreciate God all the more.

And that gives its own form of piece. Not always what feels like a enough perhaps. But enough to keep marching according to his promises.

It might not be the perfect solution to life, but it is one that will keep us facing in the right direction.
For that I am grateful for the lesson.


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