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Thursday, November 08, 2007


Sorrow is a cloud that smothers the soul. It darkens the sight and makes day feel like night.

And sometimes we seem to have no choice, but endure such sad times. They may come not because we did anything wrong, but the consequence of a circumstance that is common to most of humanity.

But even in the midst of such suffering some times we can discover some true we were meant to know. And when the time provides to be able to gaze back and understand the purpose it served.

This is not always easy though. For the heart when wounded doesn't like to do much beyond stop hurting.

And our mind can drift to usual complaints. Finding reasons to feel it is all unfair and that it is a form of punishment.

Time and the Lord's spirit can grant us insight into the fact that this is not reality. That we are in fact just another travel on life's road that stumbled for one reason or another.

If we look deeply into the moment and understand what drives and is the origin of such experience then light can come to our darkness. It might not heal our wounds, but it may help us understand them better.

I don't think there is a way to always feel good about bad situations. But I do believe we can understand them.

What is the merit of this? Well for one thing it can give us balance. We can sort out when something is our fault instead of the result of circumstance.

It is amazing how many times people will face a trial and never want to admit they might have caused it to happen. They will always have some reason to say it was somebody else's fault.

That works for some in order to avoid guilt. But it doesn't change the truth. Just our perception.

This is not always the way we prefer to embrace each valley. It can be a heaviness we do not wish to endure.

But in the end, we are still going to take the journey and will have the times of stubbed toes. We can look for the rocks or pretend they aren't there.

However, they will always be part of the trip and with God's help we can keep on the right path as we head towards eternity.


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