Isn't this a great thing? I think so. Having something be the solution to your problems that will make life perfect.
Such miracle cures are rare if you find them at all. Not that it really is going to occur very often even if we want.
We can imagine such fantasies, but that doesn't mean it will happen. Still we do love believing in the impossible at times.
What is sad is when we clothe life in excuses. Those moments of failure that we figured we could have cured if we just made different choices.
The point I think that applies to such situations is that we are probably avoiding the truth that we wouldn't have made sure choices. That is one truth, which is very hard to embrace at times.
I always marvel at the people who get in moods of resolve. Those emotional times when one speaks of hope for tomorrow.
Oh all the things the person is going to do in order to change their life for the better. Normally that never ends up being reality. Just sounds good at the time.
How often I have seen those at the gym looking for cures. They enter for the first time looking for that instantaneous cure to a life time of ignoring fitness.
This never results in change. Because in reality they are not prepared to move beyond the arena of fantasy to the price of obtaining your dreams.
Cures at times are not immediately. God will empower us to have a cure for some problems.
But with the Lord his cures are never imperfect. Nor are they very often immediate. Often they take a long time. And can be hard work to maintain.
We love the immediate and easy solutions. But those are not always the type that bless in the long run.
You just can't get everyone to appreciate that. Some will reject it. They will presume immediate always work.
Meanwhile the person of faith keeps trusting even when the moment doesn't bring a cure in our timing. If we stay on the path and walk as God intends, the cures will come.
Maybe not in the way we want. But in a way that will last. Providing we listen to the Lord and not our impatience.
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