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Monday, November 12, 2007


Age does certainly have the power to diminish our lifestyle to some degree. Anyone who thinks that isn't going to happen is bound to have disappointments in life.

And I have seen such people all my life. Which is truly sad when you can't cope with reality. Not that we have to necessarily resign ourselves to lessening expectations.

We will always need a balance between desires and reality. To still try and do all we can and not give up.

On a spiritual level this is even more important. We can reach a point of thinking God doesn't plan on us doing anything demanding with our lives.

If we think that then we have to remind ourselves that God chose Moses when he was other than young. And many others have been called to serve him who were past their prime in terms of age.

So we will always need to listen to God's spirit in that regard. And not focus on thinking life is over in terms of challenges to our faith.

It is easy to sit in the pews and vegetate. To think we are beyond any demands that might challenge us for we are to old to be that useful.

This is of course another form of not trusting the Lord. And I have see so many who have become pew sitters.

That is a sad condition. To become so complacent and indifferent to the Lord's will and the whole time think you are a good and faithful servant.

So we need to find that harmony inside and pray to always listen when he calls. That might not be when we want it.

And it might not come in forms we prefer, but it is where our souls must travel. That is part of the journey of faith.

It is just hard at times to always accept that reality. We can get so comfortable in oru ways that we do not enjoy change.

And that is part of what we need to embrace as being our reasonable service to him. A chance to listen and obey when he does call.

It doesn't mean he will demand the impossible. He might expect us to only serve in simple ways.

But that is part of the journey we need to always accept according to his will. Obedience is not something with an age limit.


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