Wouldn't it be great if all life was like this? I haven't found it to be the case. Most of the time it seems what we really cherish takes a great deal of work in order to be realized.
However, the upside is when we have struggled and survived it does give us so much confidence for the next challenge. And that is always a benefit.
Which is not to say we enjoy the struggle. Merely that we savor the lesson. Providing we actually do learn from the experience.
And maybe it is because such trials are so exhausting we all have reasons to want to have times of finding some nice easy detour. The mind can easily create plenty of options.
We may even get desperate enough to pray about it. That doesn't mean God will answer such prayers as we wish.
No matter how difficult the road, no matter how challenging the crisis there are times when we do need to those experiences. All of which will not necessarily give us a reason to smile.
I'm not sure God always makes giving us a reason to smile the priority in any experience. Instead he will have what inspires faith to be the cornerstone of our life's house.
This isn't always the easy answer we seek or crave. And we might even go so far as to try and argue with the Lord over his will when we want a different outcome.
But when we transcend our selfish sight and see what is clearly God's will then it makes the vision more beneficial. And to that end we do have to focus on what he says is important.
I didn't say that is every easy. It can be very difficult to say the least. And if it becomes to burdensome on our expectations then it truly bears heavy upon our thinking.
But thoughts do not cling to our heart like feelings. What weighs as an anvil on our chest is truly something that we can feel so deeply.
Disappointment can fall under that category. We can become so burden by sorrow if we though an event was headed in one direction and it gets changed.
That is when we can lean upon God in his mercy and love for endurance. It doesn't mean things will improve, just that we can learn in the process more about ourselves.
This can be such a blessing a times. Not the kind we necessarily see as a blessing, but one that is one just the same.
Silence in our sorrow will sometimes bring the greatest joy.
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