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Friday, October 19, 2007


These are such a big impact on life at times. We can be in shape physically, have mental alertness so crisp it amazes others, but if we have never feelings dogging life it truly does diminish the ability to savor our qualities.

Some people have such a true capacity for looking at the positive elements of life. Others do not.

And I think most of us enjoy chatting with people who are positive more than negative. But the big challenge is coping with the dark side of smiles when we are prone to such aspect in our nature.

To that degree I think that God truly does help when we have faith. For much of what burdens and sadness impales us in feelings I think related to sadness in one way or another.

Disappointments, failures, rejection, the absence of love all bear down upon us as shadows. And it is made worse when others compound those feelings.

But what is a challenge is to look passed those experiences. To remember that this life is fleeting and whatever valley we must walk is not eternity.

For those who follow the Lord there will always be hope in eternity. A place where we can travel without the shadows at last.

I take comfort in my solitude that despite my times of emptiness there are the times when God still shines upon my soul. If the Lord loves us, then what else really matters? Whose love is more important that his?

And we shall never be alone as along as his watchers are with us. They may not talk to us, but they are there.

To wipe away every tear is God's promise in eternity. That will be his time with us that we can truly cherish.

For now we must visit the places of our heart at times, which produce shadows. They may not always grace us with joy, but it is important to see them just the same.

In any case, life does transcend this present night of thought. It grows in our heart when the Holy Spirit is our light.

Other candles may burn, but they are never as bright or lasting as the one that comes from heaven. So let us praise his eternal fire that gives us what is a joy when we see with help.

We can walk with assurance the real tomorrow is one that dawn in heaven and not in the darkness of this night.


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