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Saturday, October 13, 2007


Being impoverished on a spiritual level can truly be so overwhelming. But in any case I'm just happy when I recognize this for being a blessing.

For there are times when it is easy to question whether one has the energy or stamina to endure a given challenge. To find some reason to just want to relax and enjoy life rather than stay the course.

Such are the aspects of human nature when we let our flesh intrude upon our spiritual wisdom. It can truly distract us from letting God help us to understand his will.

For we can see ourselves in our limitations and think, I'm just too exhausted to go on. Surely the Lord can not want me to do more?

It is an honest question and one I think we all have asked from time to time. At least if we are willing to admit we are human.

Yet, that doesn't mean our inner voice is truly the best source of wisdom in that regard. There are times when it does not come from the soul, but the flesh.

God seeks to help free us from such problems. He wishes to help us to learn more how to trust only in him.

I've been amazed how often God has taken me in a given situation beyond the limits of my thinking. He has guided me to places where only his strength has sustained.

Am I saying it has always worked for me? No, not even close. For being human just makes that part of who I really am.

And I celebrate his grace that teaches and forgives. Which can guide me no matter the situation.

What God won't do is force the journey. He won't make me go where I refuse to step. I may have the choice, but it is still my choice.

For that I am grateful. Because he still grants me the test of my free will. I just know that in long run the obedience brings its own blessings while resistance produces failures.

And we have to be willing to see his hand lift us up when the time requires. To allow his strength renew us when we think we can keep going.

Sad is the time we do nothing. We rest when we should keep walking. And in the process never truly grow as intended.

Such is the nature of life. For that we can celebrate that God loves us enough to help us be challenged to see life as is a blessing and not curse.


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