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Tuesday, October 16, 2007


This is not always the easiest of concepts to except when speaking of the call of God. For so often people have this preconceived notion that being called is based on somehow being very righteous. As if God touches you and you stop sinning.

It is true if a person called of God acting the same as a person devoted to breaking the law it would be hard to take their calling serious. But it doesn't mean that one ever becomes perfect.

It also seems that too often those who are not among the save have this obsession with deciding what makes one worthy of being God's choice. And naturally they never grant the person the same latitude of behavior they keep for themselves. That is never allowed.

When one studies those called by God as written in his word we do appreciate how that many of those called were anything other than perfect. Some had a wide variety of personal problems. The type that can be less than flattering.

Does it mean that they weren't truly called? No. Just that God didn't pick them because they were somehow better than others.

His standards of choosing is based on a whole different criteria than our values. Which can be very annoying to those who think being called is also the same as never sinning.

I do consider myself to have been called by God. He has never given me the freedom of serving him by not having a regular job.

And he has not so blessed me so that I somehow get lots of recognition either. He has provided and I have been very grateful for that.

But no where did he promise me that I would somehow be able to quit work and just spend my whole time doing nothing, but serving him. That is true for many and not always something that is popular.

Still, he does give me a joy from the doing. A sense of feeling that it is serving his purposes.

Does it mean that I have become perfect either? Not at all. And I have never claimed that I was perfect.

Just willing to serve as lead. Some label me as they see fit. But I never claim those labels for myself.

I do feel the satisfaction of knowing what I do is more according to his purposes than according to what gives me bragging right. And to that end I feel the joy of continuing to trust him even though it doesn't always give me reason to celebrate. Just a reason to feel joy.


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