There are always to being on a pedestal. And even more so if we put ourselves on one. That is not a good thing, especially if we make the pedestal of some material that easily crumbles.
Such as trying to be perfect. Oh most of us will admit we are not perfect. At least in theory.
But not necessarily in reality. Our minds can cling to some illusion and we may express it in a very subtle way.
Like saying, "I don't make mistakes." I've known a few who said that. And let me tell you they are not the types to be very flexible in terms of admitting errors.
Another form of detour to me is when we always blame somebody else for our own mistakes. That to me amounts to the same thing. Just a case of deciding nothing is ever our fault. It is never true, but makes us so able to defer any sense of guilt.
None of that ever works with the Lord. His spirit doesn't grant us the luxury of such delusions.
Honestly, he will not let us live in such myths whenever we truly are listening to his spirit. And some truly go deaf on that part.
They get so acclimated to ignoring whatever disagrees with their view of reality, that they simply stop hearing when God speaks. To the point it truly becomes detrimental.
And it always happens in slow stages. God gives us plenty of opportunity to listen. The more we grow deaf and resist the more we find ourselves in the place where we simply stop hearing him altogether.
At the point we stop listening we will probably not even notice when he stops speaking. If we are so accustom to ignoring him it isn't that far or a shift to not hearing at all.
But the sad part is how often it will take some major crisis to have us wake up. And then it is really more like shouting.
Only there are times when God won't even do that. He will if there is a chance we can be woke up in the process.
But if our hearts are as cold as ice and our spirit far too dull in hearing, then we will just stop caring and go on our way, thinking everything is okay. Life may even get easier, but in the long run we will not find the kind of blessing that come from listening.
Hopefully, we will move ahead and always be willing to listen, though what we have to hear is painful.
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