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Friday, October 05, 2007


The wonderful moment of rapture when the mind feels the Lord's glory touching. It doesn't necessarily happen in church. That kind of moment can come on any occasion when God speaks to us in ways that we see life differently.

Growth for the soul happens on so many different levels. Life is the constant renewal of understanding, seeing new facets of truth where before we slept and were without such knowledge.

Does it come when we expect it? Not always. Does it come because we deserve it? No, not then either.

It occurs when we are ready most to listen. That is not the same for each person. And some never hear or grasp the time this occurs.

They will wander in a valley of thought even when they are on a mountain experience. Just never quite getting it.

Because above all we are human. Because life calls upon us with demands that claim out thought.

Still, God tarries with our clarity. He will reach down into the recesses where we truly live and bring his light.

Such is the nature of spiritual intimacy. Not that God is imperfect, but our capacity to hear and fathom is flawed.

Time and experience often helps. It can fill the gap where misunderstanding dominates. Such is the nature of true spirituality.

Some try to act as if you can somehow alter life so you will have a perfect receiver for hearing. They will go through all the motions of purging to do what they can to make their minds and spirit prepared to hear with perfect clarity.

It sounds impressive. But often it is more the process that is other than pure. Because above it all we are human.

And that means we will not truly find ourselves in the moment finding pure light to guide our way just because we prayed extra hard. It does sound great.

But that is not how things work. True communion with the Lord is always an evolving process.

We travel ahead then fall backwards. We never truly arrive in this life, just grope along a corridor to eternity.

Hopefully, with the joy of hearing God's voice along the way and even more so to understand his message.


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