Why is it when there is an emergency it just seems to always cause more problems and take way too much time? I might be exaggerating, but honestly, that does seem to be the way it happens to me.
Of course not having any patience only makes things worse in my case. And I think the times I hate the most is when I see the solution to a crisis and have to spend forever before it takes place. That really bothers me.
It is like the problem is made worse so you can get stuck with extra anxiety. I don't think it has to be, but I do see it a lot.
There are some who might suggest being stressed out is not a spiritual quality. We are not supposed to worry, but I've never been able to keep from it.
However, I believe God understands our shortcomings. It doesn't matter what they are, what does matter is how we deal with them.
And at times that means we panic for a bit, then we do. God isn't going to strike us dead for that problem despite how some teach it.
What is important is not pretending we don't feel our emotions or fears. It is important what we in the long run.
I can find myself in momentary reaction of panic. I try not to make important decision when in that mood.
Later, when the wave of emotion cools, and reason returns, the soul can speak as the Holy Spirit inspires. Now that is how I have to cope.
There are some who might not have that problem, but I see a lot who have the same problem. Only too often they won't admit it.
It is as if you would get stuck by lightning if you dare admitted to having doubts. While deep down their thoughts betray their lips, they never admit to their true feelings.
And the sad part is God knows anyway. So pretending doesn't really do a whole lot, but make others believe whatever lie you create.
If that somehow helps then that is fine. But I never think lying to yourself improves a thing.
That will never keep some from doing it. They will always play that game of denial. It never ends what brews inside, just lets us impress in some way.
Only problem is God is the one that matters and he is never impressed by such deceptions.
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