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Sunday, June 03, 2007


If we weren't human and didn't have to content with aches and pains as well as day of feeling emotionally down. Can you really expect to focus spiritually on something if you are feeling depressed and totally exhausted? Is God so unfair and unreasonable to expect that from us?

Personally, I don't think that is realistic. I do feel we can find comfort in our misery by focusing on the Lord. But I also feel that God wants us to be honest. He doesn't expect us to come before him doing the happy dance when we feel miserable.

If we can not bring our real selves to the Lord, we fail to appreciate who he really is. We are sinners and imperfect, so why pretend we are otherwise?

To come in joy and come in sadness, it is all part of who we are. There are some that for the sake of opinion would restrict fellowship to times of happy face masks. But God doesn't.

Which is why the psalms are a composite of prayer, petition and praise. They are not just honey, but also have bittersweet moments too. It is the honestly of the soul poured out during all moments.

Speak as you feel, be as you really are and God will hear the voice of your heart. Pretend and play a game where what you bring is just vanity and he will be deaf.

That seems like simple advice, but honestly I have seen so many times it is not applied with truth in a church setting. And I'm sure that is a habit some practice in their quite times with God too, if they have those at all.

I respect the fact that for some God is viewed with a certain limited frame of reference. That old adage about putting God in a box. Meaning to see him in only confined terms based upon traditions. Never being allowed to see God as more than something you were taught to believe.

This is of course a common problem for far too many and some naturally will never be able to adjust to any other point of view. For them they will always play the game. Which naturally will be sad and cheat them out of their real joy.

But for those of us who are able to rise above the predictable and simply listen then we can savor the joy of a better form of relationship. Then to be able to walk in the light of that day with the right kind of understanding.

And that includes when we don't feel good. When we are down and sad. It all grants us the essence more opportunity for the kinds of experience we truly have reason to enjoy.

Which can so touch us when we need it the most. Providing we truly embrace what God accepts and not just our opinion.


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