This is a wonderful word, not hard to understand, but often very hard to express in an effective way. I know I'm guilty of often trying to hard to say what can be said in a few words. I just feel like I haven't said enough at times.
I have tried to improve and sometimes I have actually accomplished it. Others, well I keep practicing.
On a spiritual level I think there are occasions when we all are prone to think with just enough details people will embrace Christianity. This is not the reality though.
With some people the level of resistance is so entrenched into their being they can't free themselves to see beyond that limitation. So you end up offering up one fact after another and never achieving a thing.
I think back to when the Lord walked the earth and how often he used parables or stories to communicate truths. They were easy to remember and also easy for the most part to understand.
But then we are talking about the Lord and not us. I don't think any of us will came we could compete with the Lord as a storyteller or in any other way either.
What I think truly matters is being willing to really say what God's spirit inspires. It can be complex or as simple as a couple of words, but it will always be true. That is what truly is the most important aspect.
And when we trust to God for the words, the other part is that he affects the other person's hearing when he wants them to understand. In which cases we become his vessel to speak his message, but not the creator of the message.
I know for myself the number of times, I've gotten hung up following some given frame of thought, digging deep to try and find the gold. Then all of sudden, the real gold surfaces in a very simple way.
It was always there to begin with, but we just get so caught up in our thinking and trying to plan what we want to say. That can be very difficult to shut off our mind in order to hear the things God desires for us to say.
You don't have to be a preacher for this to apply either. Anyone who follows the Lord will at some point be in a position to share. It is only a question of whether we will accept that nudge that leads our lips in a given direction.
Of course, being human there are times when our tongues will have a mind of their own. We will end up stumbling and saying the wrong thing. Other times we will behave. What is important I think is we continue to be as willing to follow as the Lord leads. When we fail, we just start over, not give up.
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