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Sunday, June 10, 2007


Why do some people insist upon constantly repeating the same mistakes? And what is worse they keep telling why the last time was dumb and stupid? But they do the same thing again.

Now I don't suppose I would mind if they didn't stop to involve God in the process. That is the part that really frustrates.

It is like, well I'm being stupid because God wants me to look like an idiot. If they are really prone to being spiritual about it they will naturally say something about prayer or God told them to do whatever.

Now the Lord does inspire us on many occasions if we are following him. And to some our actions might seem questionable. But God doesn't necessarily intend upon inspiring us to blatantly moronic actions.

I was having a conversation the other day with a friend. This person is a Christian and does love the Lord.

And like many the person joined this one group that claimed to follow God. In the process of dealing with them this person was told that feeling down was a sin. Somehow they had decided that you could only be spiritual if you never felt unhappy.

Which got even more stupid because my friend voice options to this point of view. Basically my friend is struggling with some very difficult problems at the moment.

It is only naturally they this person would have moments of unhappiness. That is just part of life. It doesn't mean you are demon possessed.

Course when my friend voiced such comments, the response was not, to uplift, but instead to discourage and condemn. So this is a good way of helping a person who is sad?

Not to me. How do you help a person overcome sadness by beating on them? My friend has since severed connections with this group.

But I'm sure they will continue to wound the hurting and feel quite justified in the process. Does it mean God approves of this stupidity? Not to me.

Pity some use hate and ignorance to enforced their attitudes. And if it doesn't work, they blame it on God.

Well for a while at least. I can't imagine God will actually tell such people well done in eternity. But then that presumes they will actually be in Heaven. That is up to the Lord. As for me, well I'm just coping like any other person and at times that means I get trapped in the shadows. I just refuse to say it was some love of sin.


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