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Friday, June 08, 2007


The world is a maze without any openings. It can be a labyrinth of confusing tales invented by our mind in hopes that we don't have to actually escape.

We can weave together such incredible puzzles in our thinking. They are ones that you honestly can never put together.

And the more we try, the more we get buried under a mound of questions we can never hope to answer. There are so many that swirl in our brain, haunting us like ghosts, making us doubt what we would otherwise know to be true.

Then comes the monologues of attempts to give reason to the growing chaos. We create myths as our stable to avoid seeing ourselves as we really are.

It all becomes a web of growing fog, which never leads to any clarity. Just more of the dialogue of excuses so we don't have to face the truth of a given situation.

Wish life wasn't that way, but it is. And the more we try in some way to not allow ourselves this option it seems we end up doing the opposite.

Which all comes down the simply reality that we are human. Not that it means we can expect to be deliver from such practices.

But knowing we do fall into this trap at times means we can accept it is part of our nature. And the most critical part would be to not allow ourselves to approach God with such a maze.

For the Lord is not going to be impressed with our efforts to complicate our excuses for sin. Oh we can say it in a prayer and somehow thing it is impressing God, but it never does.

The Lord will always seek to help guide us to the place of truth. Not to hide in some maze of, "but I did that because."

Instead he will lead us out of that maze and towards the greater realm of truth. One where he see who we are for the reality.

When we can do this, we are brought to point of peace. One where we can accept the truth in a climate that is simple and honest.

It will grant us the mercy of not having to wander that maze. A chance to live with the joy of not having to lie to ourselves or others as much.

It brings us in small steps towards his throne. A place where there is love and joy instead of more reasons to worry. That can be a home more blessed than any we might know otherwise.


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