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Friday, June 15, 2007


I can't imagine anyone totally agreeing on what is fun. Which, given the variety of things appealing to our senses, it would be predictable.

What gets fuzzy on this issue for some is when the issue of sin is involved. Only problem is not everyone has the same definition of sin.

This too can be very complicated for some. Because what we see as wrong might not be true for someone else.

The scriptures provide a very long list of things God says is wrong, but we never stop there. We always have our own additions.

I recall once when my wife and I were going to a movie. It was Sunday and this one "expert" on the bible and just about everything else decided to enlightened me that was a sin.

According to this person, seeing a movie on Sunday was sin in the bible. Considering the fact that they didn't even have movies when the bible was written itself made this comment ludicrous.

But it was typical of some of the things I've heard at times from some people. And most of the time no matter how much they actually know about the bible you can pretty much count on them telling you god is against whatever they hate.

Of course it never stops there. Sooner or later they will get on some bandwagon to spill their hate over to everyone else.

They won't call it hate naturally. It will be something else. And you can be sure God will get the blame in one-way or another.

Sin is of course in reality anything we do other than an act of faith. At least according to the way the Apostle Paul explained it. And anything truly means anything, good or bad.

That is not a definition that will appeal to some. They only want to consider something bad as a sin. However, if they don't like something, it will be bad and that will make it a sin.

If you buy into that approach you will probably end up living a very dull life and one totally afraid you might sin. Which you will do anyway.

Somewhere in all this insanity a voice of reason should prevail. That is never easy. But I think the main question might be whether or not a given form of fun will somehow separate us from the Lord?

Not sure too many ask that question. And I doubt they will.


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