What holds your life together? Is it work, or family or something else? The spiritual text book answer might be the thing that holds one life together is the lord. And if it is true that is wonderful.
But I think it is so easy to sew our lives with a different kind of thread at times. In fact I'm sure if we are honest we do it a lot.
However, I doubt we are willing to say so very often to others, let alone ourselves. Does this mean we lack faith or don't care about the Lord?
Personally, I feel the answer is no. I think it means we are human. We are creatures of countless desires and needs. And in our lives we do have to do what we can to cope with all the issues that do demand of our time. Some are good, some are bad.
In the middle of all of that we have to battle the distractions from so many sources. Somewhere in the middle of such confusion, we try to make time to reflect on both heaven and earth. At least if we are in touch with God's spirit at all.
Where is it written that one can honestly compress that into an hour or two on Sunday or Saturday morning? Oh it is never stated that way, but in reality I think there are a lot of times we are inclined to do exactly that.
But it doesn't mean we don't care about God. It means we are often left in a position where life is simply complicated and confusing.
Which is where one has to be willing to focus on paying attention to the different expressions that take a hold of our thoughts. Then finding the times we can truly let our minds be graced by the Lord's presence.
It is when we limit ourselves only feeling that applies to worship time that we can miss out on the opportunities that come about in different occasions. Listening does require us to open our spiritual ears.
And if the noise of our own complaints is shouting too loud, we can't do that. Those we sometimes have to truly deal with in order to move on.
Some prefer to simply ignore them. Which never improves the issue. It never allows us to rise above a given point and become what we should be.
Perhaps in a more perfect world where live was not flawed and full of sin we could all live like angels. But till heaven becomes our portion in life we have to endure.
That means a few times when we have to accept that we let those seams of our lives get woven with things we didn't expect. And then being willing to let god truly help us break them when they are strangling.
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