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Tuesday, May 01, 2007


There are some members of the clergy who wear collars as part of their calling. You never miss them or are unaware of their meaning.

Collars on shirts are very common too. And for the most part it seems they exists on men's shirts for the benefit of wearing a tie, but you don't actually have to either.

On a spiritual level there are collars for the soul. Those are the restraints that can often choke the life out of one's spiritual experiences.

They can be given to you by whatever church you attend. And since they wear them even though they make a person miserable, people still accept them.

Why? Is there really any benefit to allow someone place some collar on your relationship with the lord?

Apparently the answer is yes with some people. They truly seem to thrive on finding excuses to be afraid of being different.

You simply can't have a place of worship that trust to its membership for survival that doesn't equate control with survival. Which results in them always having some reason to be sure you know you have to do things there way in order to be loved by god.

They will even be sure you think that only God approves of their collars. They will be quick to mock anyone else for offering the same kind of collar.

Jesus was spoke of being free. He mention how if you abided in him you would know the truth and it would set you free.

That is a much abused verse. It is often quoted by so many none Christians for a variryt of reasons.

But the real meaning resides in Christ. First and foremost it is required you abide Christ. Meaning you truly treat him as Lord of your life and trust to him for you guidance.

How often people forget that part. They want to believe in freedom, just not in terms of an truth that doesn't agree with their idea of freedom.

It is a sad, but very realistic part of the process. Part of what often ends up making people accept collars already made by someone else.

It is so much easier to do when it means you get their approval. That may make you feel apart of the group, but it doesn't mean it has God's approval.

Sometimes choosing the Lord over man means you might have to reject a given collar. Hopefully we feel better for being able to breath so much easily in the truth.


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