I've heard the comment about the road less traveled. It is a metaphor perhaps for not following the path of conformity or the same that others follow. On the surface it is a wonderful concept, but in reality it is much harder to find or even follow.
That is if you live and have to survive in any normal society. Any society has rules, which are designed to create conformity. Beyond that we have our own needs for things like approval that help to influence our behavior.
Which might be perhaps a reason we at times do envy the person who is independent or a rebel. We all know the consequences well enough to not try the path ourselves at times, be we do know the appeal.
Christianity is in its own way a road less traveled. The only problem is that by the time you stamp social traditions on it and the usual dynamics of politics it often becomes a road most traveled.
I'm not suggesting we have to be rebels. Nor am I suggesting that there is not a merit in being a law-abiding and beneficial member of society.
What I am expressing on is the need to remember the Lord in all things. That above all it is to him we must first and foremost be concern with pleasing.
It sounds good and I know plenty of those who would advocate the same thing for a variety of reasons. But so often they is attached to some values that involve their own priorities more than the Lord.
I think back to the prophets. So many times they were called upon to do things that were totally contrary to the standards of their day.
I'm not saying we have to do the same thing. I'm merely wondering if God does send us down a path less traveled and it is one we know will lead to others not accepting it are we prepared to make the trip?
That is a question I think each person has to answer for him or herself. And sometimes I think it is enough to be faithful at the ordinary when that is the road we must travel.
To often I think it becomes almost a definition of Christian service that translates into being what is called full time Christian service. Which is to be in a role such as a full time pastor.
Yet, if we are believers who serve the Lord in some other capacity it doesn't mean it isn't serving him. For faithfulness isn't just about doing what we want spiritually, it is about being obedient to wherever he places us. Sometimes the road less traveled for a believer is the one we follow that to others is not special. But if the Lord is the one who sees and knows the truth, that should be enough even if our egos say otherwise.
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