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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Where Wings Touch

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Where Wings Touch

Eternal is the song that sings in the soul
written by the heart of God,
that carries the notes of His everlasting love
where wings touch.

For in His eyes all are cherubs,
meant to share the garments of compassion
not just for those wearing
success's shimmering vanity raiments,
nor the plastic masquerades of manicured elegance,
which shallow orbs define as mankind's alluring opulence.

Beauty that Heaven crafts among the earthen tapestry
takes shapes and forms to be adored
because they are the Lord's creation
regardless of their flawed facets or fractured features.

When we can gaze into the heap of life's refuse
and not find only stains,
but also discover the gold hidden,
then we have learned how to weigh value
by a scale having no false measure of worth,
instead celebrating with mercy and charity
in ways we are viewed and cared about
as in the place of everlasting hugs
given without need for justification,
over why we spend more time thinking of ways to harm
than ways to inspire.


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